Communicate with your dog calmly and effectively. youtakethelead
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why the dog listener method is so effective
Learn clear straightforward rules, which will remove stress from both you and your dog.

Your dog will modify its behaviour of its own free will.

Everything your dog does is logical and when you understand the canine mind, you can learn how to make the simple changes in your daily life that will give you and your dog(s) the stress free life you deserve.

Consultations take place personally in the home with full backup. You and your dog will receive my undivided attention and you will learn a simple method of communicating with your dog.

The method is easy to learn at any age, so the whole family can be involved.

It doesn't matter what age your dog is, from puppy onwards, and it is effective with any breed. 

This is a gadget free, violence free, non-confrontational method that becomes a way of life for everyone involved. Helping your dog relax and be himself.

If you do it correctly and you are calm and consistent then this method will work with your dog both now and in the future. If you've tried dog obedience classes without success, then this method will work for you.

Whether you've had your dog from a puppy or have taken in a "rescue" adult, this method will work for you.

Contact me for help or more details.

"Rather than trying to fit human psychology to animals, the starting point is observing how animals communicate, how they structure their groups in the wild and what they think their role is". - Jan Fennell
A safer, kinder method
No Gadgets
No Violence
No Confrontations

Learn how you can communicate with your dog effectively.
Calm, kind and effective
1 to 1 consultation with full backup
Your dog will become more relaxed & happy.
Walkies become a pleasure.

07507 702266
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